Welcome to Troop 66 Bartlett

Welcome to the Troop 66 website! Here you can find information about our troop, scout and parent resources, pictures, important announcements for the troop, and much more!

Where We Meet

We meet at Immanuel United Church of Christ in the building behind/west of the white church every Monday (excluding holidays or other mentioned days) at 7pm

The Address is 415 W North Ave, Bartlett, IL 60103

Our Google Calendar can be found by clicking the button below or under the upcoming events category

WEBELOS / Arrow of Light Scouts!!!

Come to a Troop Meeting!!!! Just drop in.  We would love to see you!

Troop 66 has a ton of fun things to do all year.  If you have any questions about the meetings or their locations, please email the Scoutmaster, Keith Garner kgarner@kgarner.com.

Upcoming Events

Troop Meetings: Mondays @ 7PM - 8:30PM

Note: This is a Google calendar, Google may get your timezone wrong or show the dates in Coordinated Universal Time. (Example: Tuesday 12:45am UTC is Monday 6:45pm CST)

Summer Camp 2025

Summer Camp at Tesomas Scout Camp. July 6th-12th

Advancement tracking 

To track your scouts advancements and to send out reminders as well as troop emails we utilize Scoutbook which can be accessed here


We have a lot of activities to offer in our troop but some of them require you to fill out a form or register all of these necessary forms and links can be found on our todo page.  We will keep the todo page updated frequently so make sure to check back often!